Conversation Between Daisy Duke and DANMAR69

7 Visitor Messages

  1. We are going to miss you this year , going February 8-17. We will try and save some alcohol and sun for you but no promises. GO PACK GO!!
  2. Hey there .... we are going February 24th thru March 4th .... how about you?

    What's up with your football team ??? Damn, they're GOOD !!!! Perhaps, we'll have a Packers vs. Ravens Super Bowl .....
  3. You guys planning on going at all in 2012?
  4. Hey There .... we are really looking forward to meeting both of you, as well. We are one week away and COUNTING. We really need this vacation ..... and the FUN that awaits us.
  5. Time is almost here!!!!! Can't wait to meet you guys....6 more sleeps for us
  6. Hi Rusty & Danielle,

    Thanks for reaching out to us, we really appreciate it. We are looking forward to the upcoming vacation - we have never been to Hedo II, so the excitement is definitely building. So, you're big Wisconsin Badgers fans, huh? We'll imagine this is a pretty HUGE weekend on your sports calendar, as well. Trust us, the most hate you'll find for the Steelers, is right here in Baltimore. Needless to say, we'll be rooting for the Packers, on Sunday. We're attaching a couple face photos, so you'll know what we look like. If they don't load properly, just let us know. We're still trying to familiarize ourselves with this website In the meantime, stay warm .... we certainly hope to see each other in a few weeks.



  7. We will be there from 2/24-3/4!!! See you there!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7