Conversation Between PolarBearGirl and shellysdoughboy

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Just wondering can I feel that self portrait by the pool , lol see you nth soon
  2. yes and i want to be in that self portrait
  3. I feel a self portrait by the pool in my near future. Longest two weeks of my life. WTF.
  4. well hello dear , it seems as our time is getting closer..... lol love you guys and we will see you soon ..... morning big D and super sexy S
  5. See you soon!
  6. sounds great look forward to seeing yoiu there , we just missed you in march it looks like , we departed on the 12th
  7. Hello! We will be heading home to Negril the same time as you, hope to see you there!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7