Conversation Between jrmarine242 and PhotogFlight

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I definitely have alot of respect and healthy attitude. But i will let you be the judge of that. If i miss you guys and you recognise me. Please feel free to introduce yourself I go by Junior. Cant wait to get there and meet everyone and have drinks and fun and thanks for reply.
  2. We are. We're also pretty picky LOL We're always up for we'll start there! Just show up with a great attitude and a healthy sense of respect and you'll have a blast
  3. Yes 52 days and i cant wait either. Very nice pic by the way. You guys in lifestyle?
  4. 51 days for us. Can't wait...we both really need the vacation! See you there!
  5. Hi guys I am going Feb 6th to 9th. Maybe we can meet up for drinks. Cant wait to go.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5