Conversation Between Westcan and bonobo

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Ya we have trouble with making time w/o kids. We have four young teen and one age six. Thanks to family help otherwise we could never go. Work hard play hard seems to be our path....
  2. Well with two kids it's difficult to take time to ourselves, we've discussed checking out hedo and this seems like a good site to get some more info
  3. End of next year eh? (that's ourcanadian popping out). We will hopefully have been a couple times by then. Hey we only got into this stuff in 2009 so it's pretty new to us too. So far it's all been great.
  4. We're planning towards the end of next year (I know: a long ways off), we're totally new to this so we're trying to get as much info as possible. And love your profile pics too, by the way
  5. Thank you, yours too!!!
  6. Nice photo
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