Conversation Between Amanda&Gradie and aubie6

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Yes the excitement is definitely building here for us.
    We can't wait to meet and party with everyone Saturday will not get here fast enough for us!!!!
    Have a safe trip and we shall see you soon!!!
  2. Almost time!!!
  3. There will still be quite a few there, and don't worry we WILL keep the party rolling!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!
  4. Yeah... fun people. this going to tons of fun. It looks like most of them will be gone when we arrive hopefully we can keep the party rolling.
  5. Been awhile since you asked about our renewal dates...sorry for the delay! My sweet hubby, ever the romantic, said something like "our old ones didn't expire did they?" so I think we aren't going to do it after all. LOL! You have to love the romantic guys don't ya?! I think we're just going for couples massage or something, and then a nice dinner. If you want witnesses we'll gladly attend yours though! (Runaways look slike a great group doesn't it?) 17 more sleeps!!!
  6. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, we have family in Newnan GA
  7. How cool! We were planning a vow renewal as well LOL! We live in RI right now, but my hubby's from Maine and I was born in Texas (we're military) 51 and a wake up and we can't wait!!! Looking forward to meeting you
  8. Look forward to meeting you there, We arrive on Valentin's Day and leave on the 21st.
    This is going to be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We are from Atlanta and we to are celebrating our 10th anniversary.
  9. Just saw your post online and dropped in to say hi. My husband and I are going to Hedo 3 for the first time Feb 12 through 22 to celebrate our 10th anniversary as well :0) We're getting excited!!! I hope your trip is all you are wishing for, and maybe we'll see you there!

    Amanda & Gradie
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