Conversation Between dezzy and airborne&Grmnbc

9 Visitor Messages

  1. How do you think we feel
  2. Well damn!
  3. Not this year pal and it really sucks
  4. 22-29... And you guys??
  5. Yeah, it's like the closer you get to the blackhole that is Delroy's, the slower time moves. We're planning on starting our packing this weekend so that should REALLY slow it down!
  6. even worse for us
  7. 14th-27th?? you guys suck, lol. Time is at a stand still now.....
  8. Who was wearing a collar, lol? Yeah DIF is in full force here! Only thing is Carol wound up with an ear infection and pneumonia. She had both about 3 weeks before we went down but we thought she had kicked them...Apparently not. If you decide on the bank job let me know, lol. Get Carol well and we'll be ready to go!
  9. Hey Mike sucks to be home doesn't it? The DIF has already set in. On Monday Tanya watched a few planes take off and phoned me and asked if we could go back Friday, might have to rob a bank for that one! Anyway glad to see you made it home OK and that there are more people suffering DIF as well
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