Conversation Between CandG and rickndeb

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey you guys! Where did you go?? You have my email!! Just drop us a line to let us know your OK!!
  2. Hey CandG!! Just dropped by to say hey!!!
    Hope all is well and the bite's are all cleared up!!
  3. Hey Rick, Deb,
    It was our best trip ever! We had a terrific time with Paul (Cop), Kitten, Fred and Angel (Patty) and the K&A group. We seemed to be "Canadian magnets" on this trip. Most of the people we hung with were from Canada (eh?) and we had a blast with them and the K&A group. I made a posting on DennyP with some updates. I'll work on it and turn it into a trip report when I get a chance. We're stoked for August already. It's nice to get back and already be in a reasonable countdown for the next trip (113 days for us). We're looking forward to seeing you guys in August.
  4. Can't wait to here about your trip!!! See you in August!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4