Conversation Between tamnrudy and caughtyoulookin

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Just got off the phone with HII, so it doesn't get any fresher:

    Sunday Raggae
    Monday Pirates
    Tuesday PJ
    Wednesday Pimp & Ho
    Thursday Toga
    Friday Rock Star
    Saturday Fetish
  2. Hi TamnRudy, We arrive the 28th and leave from HedoII on the 4th of April. It's my 5th trip and Michele's 1st. Look for the tropical fish tats on Michele. She doesn't look 50 in this pic does she?
  3. Hi Howard & Michele.
    Did you mean you leave FOR HEdo on the 4th...or that you leave FROM Hedo on the 4th? Either way we will see you there....
  4. See you at the pool. We leave the 4th. Howard & Michele
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4