Conversation Between HarrynTini and Boldilocks

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello. Can't believe it, we are returning August 9-14, 2010. Decided we should go one last time before they change it.
  2. Do you ever get on this page anymore or has your DIF (dreaded island fever) subsided? We still look from time to time and dream of days gone by and days yet to come.
  3. Jo said she would be thinking of the warm sun and hot disco to make it thru today. She had a hard day ahead and asked if now would be a good time to quit work and start her own business. I am afraid your man has given her the encouragement to consider following up on her ideas!
  4. Hey you guys,
    So sad to be home huh? It is snowing today!! I miss the hot Jamaican sun & rum drinks. And the hot tub!!! Hope you are doing well.
    L & N
  5. When are you going to post a trip report?
  6. Hey Liz, its your 3 am friends. Welcome home. You guys made our vacation a great time.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6