Conversation Between Face Down and partnersincrime

8 Visitor Messages

  1. I miss read your post....thought you said you would be their end of Oct to mid Nov. When will you be there in Oct?
  2. were are you guys located ? we are in the poconos of pennsylvania
  3. hmm we are sure we will meet up some time or another? keep in touch! we are planning for nov also
  4. 10/5 to 10/10 for us...we are going to miss you by a few weeks!
  5. we are going in oct and towards the end of nov. and you? would be nice to meet you guys! let us know
  6. we will be there in oct and twards the middle or end of nov
  7. October or March???
  8. we will also be there the same time! we will have the drinks ready!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8