Conversation Between jm1974ri and woodylynn

7 Visitor Messages

  1. lol...i def dont wanna sound like a ass about this but.....if she cant get the time off, ill prob go solo again. I know in june 2010 were going without a doubt but shes gonna try for this time around
  2. October huh? lucky bastard! of course, I think you owe your lady!
  3. lol....and i was the skinny guy with the tats on his back
  4. i think i might of saw you a couple times........where you wearing a straw hat around the nude pool and your wife sitting on the edge? great time indeed bro!!!!! memories and people ill never forget. def bringing her the next trip
  5. Hey man, not sure how we missed you. or did we? what a great time! you going to bring your lady down next trip?
  6. so how was the trip guys?
  7. so u guys gettin excited?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7