Conversation Between Tallviking and dezzy

7 Visitor Messages

  1. I guess it is good that we get in before you as it will give us time to find a perfect chair for her See ya soon!
  2. She is not known by the Table so we need to find one more permanent seat. But she is not a Hedo virgin, and she is known to hang on the nude side.
  3. I should have known that from the table of confused but I am not drinking right now and I misplaced my decoder ring but I understand now. Do we know her or do we have to find more chairs for the table?
  4. I understand that you are confused, as a member of the Table we are required to be, and it is also our task to make others confused...
    A word is missing in that message, the word 'not'. It should read "The Tallviking is not going by himself this time..."
  5. " We" I am confused now as you were alone last November, but it will be great to see you again
  6. Ohh yes! We are going to be Home from Nov 23 to Dec 7. Yes, you heard it here first, "we", the Tallviking is going by himself this time...
  7. hey Carl are you going to make it down this year, we arrive on the 14th of November with Bill and Jaws
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7