Conversation Between ep987987 and corytina08

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Cory and seems the best rates are in the summer and early fall. We been to hedo a few times and found, going with a group is a great way to go. Not sure if it would work for you, but AWOL goes the beginning of August, last year they had about hundred people with them. All ages, shapes and sizes. Booking with a travel agent who knows Hedo is the only way to go. Castaways has been great for us, if you email Castaways they can give you a list of all the groups that book with them, more likely than not, there will be a group going to fit your schedule.
  2. Hi there. we are new to this site but been to hedo 3 once, just looking for people to chat with and maybe hook up with next trip.
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