Conversation Between SooIan and BigDave1964

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hilarious Post! I want to party with you two!!
  2. Did you figure out the photo yet? Just over a week. Getting excited to start my vacation.
  3. I can see it as your profie pic. You have to make it your avatar also. try that.
  4. Dave, why can't I see our profile photo? It is of Ian standing on a boat nakidd..
  5. Hey Soo!
    Good to hear from you. Yea. I make friends relatively easily. Looking forward to meeting you and Ian. On a plane in 10 days! Yea!

    Getting the fever!!
  6. Hi my mate Dave, Ive just made it to here after days....I could run ICI but getting round here is beating me, it says I have up-loaded pics yet I can't find them. I wrote a message but it's in cyber space. THICK ME ? surely not.Any way seems a nice gang getting together can't wait now. You seem to be makeing pals, good on you. Must also tell evryone to get on DENNYP many on here are not. Speak/see you soon. Soo xx
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6