Conversation Between tamnrudy and Tami&Joe

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Yes, it was crazy. The people really were not bad, just hard core partiers. We really liked the Hedo Amigos a lot and there are a few who live nearby us. So that is great! When we didn't feel like megapartying, we went to less busy area (prude beach pool). The real issue was just not feeling settled. We are going to actually miss next April as Rudy's daughter is getting married right before our Spring Break. But oneof these days I know we will see you guys again!
  2. Just read your trip report on DennyP site. What a bummer. Especially for folks that have been there so many times. We are looking at next year April but really want to make sure there are no groups going then, it iwas nice the one time we were there and just enough people........
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