Conversation Between walkingdude37 and jacknjill101

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks Jim an Carey. We might have too....We will look for you either way.
  2. 2 days and 6 hours for us. Looking forward to meeting you. If you need a place to stash you suitcase if your room is not ready, look us up and you can use our room. See you in a couple of days.
    Jim and Carey
  3. Looking forward to meeting you. This is our first trip to H-3 also. We have been to H-2 twice before. Looking forward to partying with you. Hopefully you will be going on the nude cruise with us on thursday. It is going to be a wild time.
  4. You sign up at the resorts activity desk.
  5. That sounds fun! How do we sign up for that??
  6. Clock can not count down fast enough for us. Looking forward to meeting you. Hopefully you are planning on going on the nude cruise on thursday. It should be a wild one, it is our 20th annivesary that day so we will me partying like there is no tomorrow.
  7. The countdown begins.....Can't wait
  8. We will be there from June 14th to the 21st. Hopefully you will be there at the same time looking forward to meeting you.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8