Conversation Between booboo2 and funlover

2 Visitor Messages

  1. thanks for all the info, it seems to be very helpful! i can't wait! Dena
  2. Hey folks,

    If you walk down the beach towards Negril you will see when you are getting close to the river. Just keep an eye out for the market on your left, it will be easy to spot, it will be about 200 yds before you get to the river. If you are on the beach at H2 and looking to your left at the furthest point, that is Negril, the beach will curve kind of to the left then back to the right. The island is called Booby Cay, just ask the water sports guys about the lobster and they will be able to tell you when. If your are on the beach looking straight out, look to your right about 45* and you will see it. It is only about 3/4 of a mile from H2. It is an easy kayak or sail boat ride over there over. The water sports guys will try to get you to take the boat. The boat is $5.00 per person. By the time you wait on the boat to arrive you could already be there with a kayak or sail boat. They beat us going and coming back.

    Have a great trip,

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