Conversation Between BC219 and tonyandco1

13 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey Bud, did you ever manage to get to Hedo or have you got dates planned. We have changed to Hedo 2 and going with the JWST group in Sept
    Long time no hear
  2. Hi, I was away for a couple of days. Got the mail, but the pictures wouldn't open. Try again please.
  3. Hi from London, Sent you an e mail with a couple more pictures of items bought from e Bay
  4. Hi Tony,

    How was the sailing? Back safe I hope?
  5. Force 5-6??? And you are still going out?

    Forgive me...but are you nuts???

    Oh yeah...I just remembered what you do for a living!

    Seriously... that is the kind of weather that you stay in port and have a couple of drinks and thank god you don't HAVE to be out at sea.

    Stay safe.
  6. Hey pal things are good and it's getting closer, can,t wait. Corinnes exams are all over so she is really getting in the mood. Just about to leave to go sailing for 2 days in the English channel. Weather foreast is for force 5 -6 wind, wet and a few storms. Still Jamacia in April to look forward to.
    Have a great weekend speak soon
  7. Hi Tony, its getting closer by the day. How are Sir Bobby's finest?
  8. We did tea at the Ritz and it was definitely MORE than tea and cakes!!!
  9. Hey Tony. What's new?
  10. OK. Have fun in the gym. Yes considering an appointment. We'll talk via e-mail.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
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