Conversation Between adults_only and JA Booze Crew

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Our regular travel agent gave us a better deal than LoveVooDoo quoted me...had to save the money. Will you send us the info for the lady that took us to Hedo from the airport last year?
  2. Hey u guys didn't book through us
  3. How was youe Easter trip? Can't wait to see you guys in August.
  4. Were ready for August.. Hope to see you guys there...
  5. Loved hanging with you too, and thanks for leading us to a great dinner Sunday night. See you in August???
  6. hey great hanging out with you guys!!!
  7. hey guys
    looking forward for Easter weekend.. Our E-mail is We also have a group we run every August. You check out our website Talk to you soon.
    Ed and Laurie
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7