Conversation Between Karenbrian and Dee and Bruce

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Feel free to say hi we may not be together the whole week but say hello just the same! lol
  2. Thanks Dee and Bruce, we will be sure to say Hi when we see you there

    Brian and Karen
  3. I don't think it will be full, but plenty of fun people will be there so don't worry about that.
    Just go get nekkid as soon as you can and you will have the best time of your lives.
    I guarantee it. We arrive on the 24th so look for us and say Hi.

    Bruce and Denise
  4. Hi Guys, just saw you will be there the same time as us and wanted to say hello. We will be there from June 28th to July 8th, this is our 1st trip to hedo, and I somehow don't think it will be our last by the sounds of it. We will be the nervous newbies. Do you think the resort will be full this time of year?
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