Conversation Between Black Vulcan and aphrodisiac

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks....... this is going to be fun with all these new people i get to corrupt!!! Cannot wait!!! If you guys have any questiond please ask. As for as Vegas, we dont have a favorite spot just anywhere that is HOT but not super trendy. We go to alot of house parties too. The wife and I love to dance. But at the same time we just have regular lives with regular jobs.

    P S. Love you guys picture, you make a very attractive couple!!!
  2. Yes, 7 total: 3 couples and 1 single lady. All first timers and ready to rock. I'm in the April yahoo group too, just look for my profile pic in the photo albums and you'll know which one's me. I've never been to Vegas and am quite jealous that you and your wife get to live there! Where's your fave place to drink and dance?
  3. Thanks. Feel free to join. We are a very diverse group that all have one thing in common....that is to have fun. We have a few returning people and alot of newbies and first timers. So there are Seven of you guys coming.......correct? All first timers?
  4. Loved your response to the guy on the April Roll call thread. We'll be there the same week as you -- can't wait to meet you and your group of mojo-ers!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4