Conversation Between Paul&Annie and BC219

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Can't wait to get away. Elder care issues have been rough and we missed our annual February Florida trip so we are OVER DUE!!!!!!
  2. Plans are made..tanning has begun...packing?? hell no!!! we usually dont pack until the last minute...just easier that bout u 2...ready for some fun yet??
  3. Hi Guys, How are the plans going? Packed yet?
  4. We can't wait to get some where warm. I forget where you are from but were from the northeast and it has been a sucky winter. Too long...too cold...too much snow. I'll e-mail.
  5. Our count down is at 65 days. Looking forward to it. Lets chat.
  6. Hey there! Dropped you a line to your Yahoo account.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6