Conversation Between kws1949 and Rummy&Smokey

3 Visitor Messages

  1. "talken and chanting while others are doing there thing.."
    I'm uncertain how I'd 'perform' before an audience (accidental or otherwise!) so true confessions was 'performing'....especially that first time when you realized others were watching (if not saying anything at the time.)?

    I gotta confess, with idiots like that, would make the 'withdrawal method' unnecessary...and the temptation to pop one of the dick wads in the mouth overpowering!
  2. yeah it was getting really old really fast. it all started @ piano bar then we left went to the nude pool i shit you not, 20min later that same (vinny) was in the hot tub slowly making his way over. We did a test (kinda funny if you where there) j put up two glasses on the ledge as a marker of where this ass started. a soon as he past it we started bitchen. he didnt get it @ first but then we got a little more vocal. something tells me they dropped of the special ed bus at the wrong resort lol. as for those other shit heads who think they'er hot shit talken and chanting while others are doing there thing.. Im a women and i wanted to pop'em in the mouth. wow talk about a mood killer.
  3. So...Vinnies DO exist eh? Did they just not catch a clue...ever?
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