Conversation Between Hedo Lovers and Face Down

10 Visitor Messages

  1. The week was unbelievable...still can not get my head around Friday's party! WOW!!
  2. Seriously, you 2...that was one of the"sickest" weeks ever!!! Well done!!! Glad L & I got to spend more time with you this time. Awesome....its the only word that comes to mind!!! E
  3. We have been shopping up a storm! Miss you guys too and can not wait to see you again! We are getting more snow tonight...can not wait to be neekid in the Jamaica sun!!!!!!!!

    xoxoxox right back at ya and we will throw in a neekid boobie hug!!
  4. Hey guys how are you? cant wait to see you............ I still need to shop....... i am falling behind........ xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxolisa
  5. Will not be long now...can not wait to see you again!
  6. Hey my peeps so nice to see you...... luv ya guys Lisa
  7. Once a year is all we can do also. sucks.....
  8. Didn't realize you 2 weren't on our friends list. Even after Hedo, I'm still not sure who everyone is on this forum.
  9. Once is definitely not enough...but all we can do!! I have never had DIF like I have this year....good news is we are already 4 weeks down....just 48 to go...oh my is that a long time!
  10. Nice pic kids. "L" & I are so having DIF. Once a year is not enough.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10