Conversation Between booboo2 and vfrman800

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, 2 minutes forward and 1 minute back. Soon come mon.
  2. We have not started packing yet, but she has been shopping and picked up a few new things. I can't wait to see her in them !! The next 20 days are going to go by so slow. Can't wait to be "home" again. See ya soon on the beach
  3. Hey folks,

    Are you guys all packed and ready to go? We have just 22 days till we go home and peaches hasn't packed a thing. She did buy a new outfit for the beach though. Well, she bought a hat. It does go well with the rest of her outfit.
  4. We will be there from Sept 19th - 27th. Hope to see you there.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4