Conversation Between booboo2 and pingo

4 Visitor Messages

  1. We have not started packing yet but we have all our hedo stuff ready. The count down has started.....are we there yet?
  2. Are you guys all packed and ready to go? We have just 22 days till we go home and peaches hasn't packed a thing. She did buy a new outfit for the beach though. Well, she bought a hat. It does go well with the rest of her outfit.
  3. We will see you at Hedo...drinks on us. This is our first H2 trip and we can't wait to get there. We need this vacation so bad.
  4. Hye Pingo,

    Welcome, Peaches48 and I will be there. We'll see you at Delroy's or better yet at the front desk about 3:00pm on the 22nd with some of those free drinks you said you are going to buy. Don't forget to put yourselves on the visitors calendar, you can find it on the forums index page under the heading for Hedo II. When or if you feel comfortable a pic would be nice so we will know to whom we speak.


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