Conversation Between Dan&Ali and Chuck_Becky

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi guys....we are actually just outside Elk River. - we can hardly wait to go in Nov ..89 days and counting !!
  2. Hey there Chuck & Becky!!! You two are going to have a blast at H2. We actually like H3 a little better but they are both great places to go. Where exactly north of the cities are you? We actually live on the WI side north of St Croix Falls. If you have any questions dont hesitate to ask. Wish we were going back with you!!!!! Take care!

  3. First tirp very cool! Been to Hedo II once and Hedo III twice now. You are going to have a blast. If you have any questions dont hesitate to ask!
  4. we are going ofr our first trip this H2
  5. Cool! We live near St Croix Falls, just got back at the beginning of July from Hedo III. Wish so bad we were going back again! When are you going again?
  6. Hi Dan & Ali, We are just north of the cities
  7. Hey there Chuck and Becky! What part of MN you from?

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7