Conversation Between S & M and buttercupz

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi S&M
    We do arrive in Montego Bay at 12:44 so we should be on the same bus to the resort. See you then!!!
    MJ & Ed
  2. What time does your flight arrive? We arrive on a Delta flight just after 1PM. If we time it right we may be on same shuttle bus ride...
  3. We should be easy to recognize since we put such a big pic on here lol. We get there evening of the 13th. See you there. We are a beach by day, hot tub by night couple
  4. HI S & M we will be there April 13-23/09 --looking forward to meeting you both nekkid of course!!!! MJ & ED
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4