Conversation Between D and K and Tony and Tracey

6 Visitor Messages

  1. since we can't get together this Hedo trip. we need to plan another trip together...what you think?
  2. and now the house is selling. Hmmm, i think some type of celebration is in order.
  3. No the house did not sell yet Did you guys get the pictures? How about the weekend at the lake shack, any dates yet? The Lake Shack Baby......LOL
  4. I didn't think this year could match last year, but I was wrong. Yall are just great. Wish we were closer. And Tracey...don't you owe me something? Just a thought.
  5. Hi Guys - We were just on the site today and went to the calendar and saw that you were going back. We are too! We cannot wait..........June will not get here soon enough. We hope you had a great Xmas and New Years also. We are looking forward to seeing you again.
  6. Hope you guys had a good Christmas. Are you going back to Hedo this summer. We are going at about the same time as last year. Hope ya'll will be there.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6