Conversation Between jfaithbass and C&C

5 Visitor Messages

  1. we are planning a trip about the same time.... you know i don't plan... the wife does but as soon as we get i date we'll let you know
  2. Hi Guys,
    Hope all's well! Long time no see. We're planning to got o Hedo 2 around the first weekend in August for 4 or 5 days. Can't wait, hope to see you there!
    Our best,
    Chris and Cathy
  3. Hi guys!
    We lost your address, but here you are!
    It was so much fun to hang out with you and the Happy Bastards. What a great time we had. Can you give us your mailing address and e-mail? Please send to:
    We can send you some photos we have (they're not that good though) and we can mail you a memory stick to put the cave photos and other any photos on. It would be much appreciated.
    I hope you get a gig sometime in Toronto so we can hang out again soon.
    Hope to hear from you,
    Chris and Cathy.
  4. Hi Guys,
    Who is the group you're traveling with? C&C
  5. Hi guys,
    Looks like we'll be at H2 at the same time. Looking forward to meeting you both. It's our first time there and we can't wait!
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