Conversation Between caughtyoulookin and sunbabes

7 Visitor Messages

  1. We are looking now more to the 25th onward window... to include NYE and some of January... going back in September so we will get a refresher for the Xmas window
  2. You still planning on HII the week before Christmas?
  3. We need to go to JA and lose our return ticket...
  4. I'll bet we see lots of the same peeps over Christmas. It's a long time, but be sure to stop by and say hi.
  5. Looks like we are going to be at H2 again at the same time... saw you folks there during the Xmas window last year and we are going at end of March as well..

    See you both soon
  6. I started a new discussion for the Christmas to New Years group. It's a tip or two on how to recognize our 4 Hedo friends once we arrive (as per derod's question below.)
  7. CU at HII. We roll in Monday the 21st until Saturday the 2nd. Woo Hoo!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7