Conversation Between Murphy&Chynna and HotCpl13

5 Visitor Messages

  1. We're not sure yet. We're trying to go when there is a big group going.
  2. hey guys - when's ur next trip to hedo?
  3. We'll look forward to it! We arrive in the evening so we'll hang around the main bar for awhile then disco, then nude hot tub!!! By then you'll be seasoned vets. If you want...drop us your email and we'll forward some pics so you'll recognize us.
  4. nervous....nah, more excited than anything!! This will be our first time to Hedo III .....maybe we'll run into you guys the day before we leave......we'll be there from June 27th-July 4th
  5. We'll be there July 3rd-10th. Are you guys nervous?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5