Conversation Between C&D and funlover

2 Visitor Messages

  1. me bad, I got the dates rights but the resort We're checking out Kink in the Caribbean 10 at Hedo 3. We're also planning a mid February trip with the Runaways. We're always looking for new friends, hopefully our paths will cross.

    Cin and dave
  2. hello C&D, we are brannen and dena. i saw your names on the trip calendar for november and had to say hello! we are going to be there the same time, we arrive on the 1st. this is our first trip to hedo 2, we went to hedo 3 this past april and decided to try out hedo 2 to see how it compares! we would love to get to know you guys a bit before we are all there! dena and brannen
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