Conversation Between CdnFirefighter and jdtj & sdj

4 Visitor Messages

  1. BTW, we were married at the end of May...
  2. 'nucks fans, really... if we don't spot you say hi...

    You will have a blast, looking forward to meeting you, just days left...

    Dan and Marie
  3. Hey Dan and Marie
    we should be easy to spot...I'm sure one of us will be sporting a 'nucks hat or t-shirt or something like that...probably not too many canucks fans will be there around the same time...looking forward to a great week...
    see you guys shortly
    J & S
  4. You are in for a great time... Almost the same dates as us Nov 9 - 18th... say hi to us fellow canuks, since we won't be able to recognize you... unless you put a picture up soon...

    Dan and Marie
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4