Conversation Between BamaBonedr and 2Sharpe

7 Visitor Messages

  1. It was pretty cool! The legends game was all kinds of entertaining!
  2. No, unfortunately had to work...booooooo
  3. I think you can tell that we are Bama fans as well !! ROLL TIDE !!! Did you get to go to the A day game?
  4. Hell yeah! Roll tide would always win out for that one though...big fans and alums here! RMFT!
  5. We live near Huntsville. All of us from Bama need to have Hedo 3 takeover one week! But what would we call it & can you imagine the "Roll Tide" & "war eagle" screaming wars...LOL!!!!
  6. Well hello! Yes I am a fellow Bamaian! We live in Mobile...where are you guys?
  7. Just saw your name and thought that I would say hello to what I assume from the name to be a fellow Bama-ian (sp?) LOL!! So, HI !!!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7