Conversation Between HotCpl13 and jcandt69

10 Visitor Messages

  1. I'll tell her!! lol You know I've gotta drink my first one for you!! I haven't forgotten who met us at the front desk as soon as we walked in last year!!!
  2. glad the little woman is all better. tell her i will make it up to her next year on the massage. if we can hold out. you guys talking about it is killing my got mcoy to drink one for me and you better 2 fucker
  3. hell yes lets do this. three more days of hell at work then its all good. mfer its hot.
  4. You fuckers ready or what!? 1 week to go!!!
  5. hey just wanted to drop you a note about the group hedolvrs started. its june quad squad 2010.
  6. Yes we are!!! Lol
  7. Yea, we were beginning to worry we were the only ones!! lol
    It's nice to meet you guys!!
  8. glad to see we are not the only couple whos gonna be there during the june dates. nice to meet you hotcpl.
  9. Yes, we'll be there in June with the Quad Squad!!! Have you guys been before?
  10. hey you guys going in june with the quad squad. we are new to this site but will be there then
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10