Conversation Between CandG and Peeps29

14 Visitor Messages

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  1. Miss ya'll!! Going home next week. Will be thinking of you! Xoxo
  2. I will see ya'll in a few days! Can't wait to meet and hang out with you! We gotta give each other hugs from CarribeanBuffs
  3. i can't wait to see it! Leaving for the airport in 8 hours and I'm not going to be able to sleep a wink lol. This happens with every trip. I tried to nap earlier but no luck. I'll catch a few zzz's on the plane. Hopefully they will have alcohol. I was looking at my ticket and it says none under refreshments on my flight from Charlotte to Montego Bay but on the flight back to Charlotte it says snacks. Weird. I'm rambling lol.
  4. I've got a Grecian(not sure if I spelled that right)-style dress that a friend of mine (whose name just happens to be Stephanie haha) is letting me borrow. She hooks me up for Hedo. She says if she can't go her shit might as well go haha. I've got a white dress packed that is super short and sexy
  5. Less than 48 hours baby!!!!!! I finally got my nails done after work today and just started packing tonight. I'm just hoping Tropical Storm Emily holds off until we are all there! I'm so excited. I think I have 2 outfits for each theme night haha. Except Toga. That one is kinda lame. They need to do something else that night. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXXXXXX
  6. 5 days for us! We are so ready! Gotta rest so we can party haha Xoxo
  7. It so close we can taste it!
  8. Lol if that aint the truth! I think I'm covered on every theme night but a couple and those should be easy to figure out. Now to just start on packing. This heat wave we are having is wearing me down. I swear, the other day, it was so hot my water bra evaporated!
  9. Holy crap 2 more weeks!!!
  10. Lol hopefully she will be able to do it with ease I'm not sure if I'm going to work the day before we leave or not. I did before our trip ini April and that was the longest day of my life. I'm not sure how many houses we have on that Friday though (I co-own a residential cleaning business with my cousin and a mutual friend of ours). I'm not sure if that's the week we will have 2 houses on that Friday or 3. 24 days can't get here fast enough! Chris and I are going to Philly this weekend to hang out with Ed and Laurie and do a little pre-gaming before Hedo LOL. It should be fun times though
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