Conversation Between Rodney0218 and Jamcan77

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey what are your names maybe we can E mail on yahoo some, my E mail is, shoot me a message let me see what you look like. talk to you soon
  2. Never been before, dont really know what to expect, we are not swingers, but I have always been interested in women, I think a woman's body is very sexy, I have only been with one other woman before, how about you
  3. Yes we have been before and had a great time so we had to do it again.
  4. Hey
    Have you guys been to Hedo 3 before?
  5. Looking forward to it! 10 more days starting tomorrow.
  6. Hello
    we will be at Hedo 3 the 27th thru the 2nd hope to see you there
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6