Conversation Between NoahTina and ncplay

6 Visitor Messages

  1. LOL...too funny. We couldn't figure out who you 2 were. We had a wonderful vacation and it really sucks that they are changing H3 to a different type resort. We did win the return guests 3 day trip back----guess we'll try H2 now. We have been wanting to go there but really liked H3 we never went. Guess our 4th trip back to Jamaica is H2 now.

    Glad you had fun and no worries on not finding us. Maybe next time.
  2. OMG...
    we saw you several times...but didn't know it was you! So SORRY we didn't say hi!
    We had a blast and definately fell in love with Hedo and Jamaica!
  3. We'll point you in the direction of the nude pool...hehehehe. BTW there is a nude hot tub or 2 as well :-)
  4. mean there is a nude pool there? Where people are actually naked? ;-)
    This trip keeps getting better and better! It's all we've been able to talk about today and tonight. Just hope we don't spontaneously explode before we get there.
  5. Just wait til the week of...neither of you will be able to concentrate on anything. You are going to have a blast. We luv it there!!! We'll have to buy ya'll a drink in the nude pool. :-)
  6. This is starting to get really, REALLY exciting! We walk around with silly smiles on our faces, knowing we're just 13 days and counting! Can't wait to see everyone!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6