Conversation Between PhotogFlight and 1961

10 Visitor Messages

  1. We hear you...Friday had to be the longest day of work in our life LOL We need to buy lottery tickets this working really cuts into enjoying life. Can't wait to be naked again
  2. OH MY GOD it sucks back home!! I want to go back now!!
  3. 13 days for us! Thanks for checking into availability for a table for the 4th. It does look like we have a nice little crowd forming! It's miserable, cold, snowing, icing...OH I can't wait for 82 and sunny! See you soon!
  4. Yes we will be in the nude pool with a drink in hand and one shot of liquid courage ready for you guys to help you out. LOL We will be at the ATF dinner or red hat dinner, told Cowgirl we would check on seating the day before as it looks like the number continues to grow.
  5. I think we're pretty good! We had a discussion about some of our concerns and that really helped alleviate some nerves. At this point I think we're both just really looking forward to a week off together. Him, especially...he really busted his ass the last year with school and work.
    I'm actually mostly packed LOL. Still have a few odds & ends to throw together, then we'll be off! 17 days for us. I can't wait!! You guys better be waiting for us at the nude pool! Hope to see you at our little dinner event on Saturday night Just look for Cowgirl's red hat on the table!
  6. With only 15 days until we go our level of excitement has growth since our last conversation, still have a few nervous or what if thoughts going through our heads. How are your levels now ?
  7. We will be on day two when you get there so we will be seasoned pro's or hiding in the corner. LOL
  8. Not a problem with the nude part went to Couples Tower Isle last year and spent some time on the nude island. A little strange for the first 5 minutes but no problem after that. It's the other part we are not too sure about.
  9. Our first trip, too. Definitely excited but nervous too. Everyone has told me to get naked as soon as you get there. Might need a little liquid courage for that LOL. There was a thread posted about packing lists and what to bring...those are helpful.
  10. This will be our first trip also arriving Feb. 2nd not sure if we are nervous or excited. Any tips you have heard that will help ?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10