Conversation Between SexycplNWyo and andkirk10

6 Visitor Messages

  1. How was your trip?
  2. We have to go before Christmas because my parents watch the kids for us. They leave on Dec 26th for SoCal where they spend the winter. We did go once in January though and it was'll have a great time. Stay in touch!!
    Kirk and Andrea
  3. Hi sexies! Looks like we're gonna go back mid January 2013. You should join us then.

    Hope you're having a great spring and summer! Talk soon.

    KC and Nicole
  4. Hey Guys,
    It was good to meet you also. We hated leaving the place to come home to reality. We're already planning our trip for next December...what about you guys? Hope you have a happy New Year and hope we get to meet again!!!
    Kirk and Andrea
  5. Hi guys! So good to meet you at Hedo! We had lots of fun....sure cant wait to go back! Hope to see you both again. Have a merry christmas.
  6. Very sexy back!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6