Conversation Between april and Hedo Lovers

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey u 2. We r home safe & sound. What a great time we had!!! It really was so nice meeting the 2 of you. U are freaks.....but in a good way!! we will talk soon. Love "E"
  2. We get there on the 1st at around 11:00 a.m. So have us a drink ready

    I think we are just a few hrs from Ocean City, we are actually thinking about taking the kids there this summer.
  3. how far are you from ocean city md?
  4. HI April, we will be arriving tuesday march31. We cant wait. When are you cumming?
  5. When do you guys head down? I can't wait to see ya'll!
  6. C u soon honey! can't wait!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6