Conversation Between PeasnapodX2 and earthangel496

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Waiting on a trip report...LOL
  2. Yeah at H3 big crowd and one single guy came up to us at the disco and pulled out his whity tighties and asked me if I wanted to snort the cocain out of his underwear..Ugh...I just remembered that
  3. We are going back in Sept with the Jamaican Waterslide Team so we won't be there in November and fear you may run into the same issues if you are traveling on the LoveVoodoo takeover week, we had issues with their young crowd on a previous trip.
  4. Hi M&D to answer your question about a capacity crowd, lines at bars and dinner are a little bit of a wait, depending on the crowd the atmosphere can change very quickly based on the demographic, the group we traveled with had a lot of younger crowd and when they would show up the vibe would die, they had their own DJ that would ruin the pool vibe in the afternoons with the music being unliked by the older crowd and always too loud to carry a conversation, so the older crowd would disperse to the hot tub or other areas of the resort. We will not travel with a group like them again, we prefer the smaller groups of 80 to 100 with an average demographic of 35 to 55 year olds, we seem to have more interactions with them and less issues with social cliques that are very common in the younger crowds.
  5. I think we met you two last year at H2 when the porn stars were there...I was dressed as Zena Warrior Princess on Fantasy night..Come back in November if you can?
  6. We are wondering if it is a pain in the butt when the place is real crowded? It was 2006 at H3 big crowd but the last two trips to H2 were not so busy...We are hearing that this year will be pretty booked in Nov..What ya think?
  7. Hi guys, welcome back to the forum. we just got back from Hedo Swinger's Break what an event, sold out crowd, it was almost impossible to meet everyone with that many people on site, John and Cindy
  8. Hi we are the same peasnapod as last year but the forum administrator could not let me update my old Avatar...Chat with us on this pod...Love Maurice and Dee Lanning.
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