Conversation Between carolyn and red8174

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Booked the flights last night. We land in Montego Bay about 1:00 on the 31st. As far as a pictire of us. Can I email you one?
  2. We will book our flights one way or another no later than Tuesday. I tried to attach a pic of us but I couldn't figure out how to send a pic in a private message.
  3. We get in on the 30th. I hope the flights work out for you we have had ours booked for a long time.
  4. Yep we are totally new to this. We will have to get you a pic. Yes we booked with Wild Women. (just paid the final payment this week ) We are arriving on Sat. 31st. Not sure what time yet, I still need to book the airfare. We were looking at driving to Baltimore to fly out because it got us to Montego Bay around 11:00 a.m as opposed to 2:00 p.m. I didn't get time to book the flights on Wednesday and when I went to book the flights yesterday, the tickets prices had gone up $160.00 each!. So... we are still playing with our flights yet. When are you guys arriving?
  5. hi red,
    I was just going to say welcome. I guesss this is your first trip> I see you don't have pic posted. That is cool but I would love to know who we are looking for. Did you guys book with the wild women? If you can't send me a pic you will have to find us. What day are you going to come in? Dave and I try to go to the main bar each day around 6:30 so that we can meet up with people. Dont be shy just come up and say Hi and let us know who you are. We have people each year that we don't find because we don't know who we are lookin for.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5