Conversation Between dezzy and Lexi&Gavin

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Sorry to hear that, sounds like you are doing ok. We won't be going home either.Maybe in November. We are heading down to Kelly and Robins this weekend, leaving Thursday morning. Hope to see ya soon and get well quick
  2. Hey there!! Well we were hoping to go Home about now but I was in a car accident at the end of Feb. I am recovering well, mainly muscle damage but with the income in 1/2 because I'm off work I don't think I'll be recovering on the beeach...boohoo
  3. Hey Lex nice new pic any news on a spring vacation
  4. Congrats guys!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sorry we couldn't make it, I'll get in touch to see pics
  5. are you saying there might be a chance?
  6. omg i hope we can be there!!!!!!!!!
  7. Keep trying
  8. Hey guys, well it looks like we will not be home in November........sniff. We haven't given up but you know how it is
    Wish we could be there with ya..........
  9. also will go through pics and send you some but kids are home sick today so have to wait for some privacy
  10. just sent you a pm
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 23
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