Conversation Between dezzy and mugs1234

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey buddy I didn't realize till we got home that this was you. Hope you and the 26 dollar sunscreen had a good trip home.....see ya next year
  2. It is freezing here today and it is not looking any better for the weekend around 50 degrees and cloudy. Six weeks to go and it can't get here fast enough. What time do you get in we should be at the resort by 4 or 4:30 on the 14th
  3. Haven't raced a car in many years, but miss it. Me and the misses are Into boats now see we have a 39 SeaRay we love. Your right about the time, its really getting to us now that it is getting cold. See you at the pool
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3