Conversation Between airborne&Grmnbc and blazenlyhappy

9 Visitor Messages

  1. See you guys there!!
  2. Hey guys, any trips home planned?
  3. Just checking to see if you got the invite for the group?
  4. Just to let you know, I sent the invite the other day. But just as a heads up they sometimes end up in the spam folder....We're down under 4 weeks now, WOOHOO!!!
  5. Yep, would be happy to send an invite, but I'd need you to send me your e-mail address. you can send it to
    I admire your diligence on figuring out your favorite drink, lol. We like the previously mentioned, at least to start with, but we normally settle on coconut rum and pineapple juice after 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 others
    BTW, like your ladies "wicked" smile.
  6. Hey I noticed you said you could send the Spanksgiving Trip Yahoo group web site to us? Would you? Could you? Thanks in advance. We usually drink an assortment well at the resort. Margarita's, Dirty Banana's, Gin&Tonic w/roses lime juice, Bloody Mary's w/Clamato (until they run out). Red Stripes etc. We actually have a tough time deciding what we like there but rest assured we just keep trying to figure it out all day every day:-)
  7. Yeah, it's been an interesting couple of months for us. Carol had some "female" surgery and has been slowly recovering since. Between that and the rest of life....Yo, Delroy (or Scumba or Paulette), one dirty Banana, one purple rain!! What'll ya'll have?
  8. We roll in on the 21st about 5:30 pm (I'm talking about the resort). The DIF is getting worse but soon it will all be better (less than 30 days and counting). We really need a vacation life has been very stressful for us of late so we can not wait to get out of here anyway but the thought os going back to paradise with a twist is just fantasic. Can't wait - see you at Delroys!!!
  9. Hi blaze, we get there on the 23rd, how about you? DIF's getting really bad now, lol.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9