Conversation Between Pixie and LNRyno

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey Pixie,
    Glad to hear from you. Haven't been on this site for a while.
    Thanksgiving was nice and quiet and so was the X-Mas holiday.
    Except for the last minute family party that got switched to our house
    on Christmas day but everyone helped out and turned out great.
    Only a few new things going on here, our oldest daughter got engaged
    in July and moved to San Diego in August. The wedding is next August in
    San Diego. Lynn is going out for 5 days, the first weekend in January to
    go over plans and help out. Not sure where we're going for vacation in May,
    depends on what kind of deals we can get.
    Our 16 year old just got her permit but we're still driving her everywhere also.
    We're in the middle of her basketball season now.
    Tell Dan we said hi and keep in touch.
    Neal and Lynn
  2. Pixie / Dan,
    What have you folks been up too? Haven't heard from you guys.
    Chatted with April and Rich a few times.
    Give us a shout.

    Lynn and Neal
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