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New to Hedo

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My husband and I are both 24. I am currently planning a vacation for when he returns from Iraq in December. Pretty sure we want to go to Hedo 3. Any information would be helpful. When is the best time of the year to go???

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  1. laurie and ed's Avatar
    We like August.. we go on the 2nd week... not to crowded and weather is always good .. been going for 6 yrs
  2. Pixie's Avatar
    I'd go when it's not hurricane season. The crowd can also be a good thing. Check out what groups are going and see if one sounds fun to you. We signed up with a group (free) and everyone dressed up and had a terrific time. The groups can make it more fun to see all the people being silly.
  3. Pixie's Avatar
    I agree, I signed up with a group and it was fun because the groups seem to dress up more I think which adds to the fun. I stay away from hurricane season myself, (rain won't ruin a trip but a hurricane would).