9 Day to go!!!!

  1. R&L Calgary
    R&L Calgary
    Ron & Laura Oct 14-26!

    Can't wait........
  2. keystone
    This group is way to quiet !! Come on party people ! Let's hear from you .We will be there next week !!!
  3. JuicyLucie
    John and I Oct 15-22!!! Alot of party people will be there with us by the sound of things... looking forward to great conversations with good hearted people and good time people.
  4. MagAndPatootie
    10/13-23.... One week, just 7 little days to go! I got several e-mails from folk who will be there with all of us and who visit DennyP's travel board... I still need to answer those messages. Today, I brought the suitcases up from the basement. This tiny task has officially kicked-off our H-II preparation... Tomorrow, I think I'll get naked before taking my shower; You know, to practice being naked...
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